About No-OHA/Save The Courthouse


We are a grass roots, coalition of concerned neighbors, residents and business merchants that are for protecting our community from the the Oakland Housing Authority’s plan to build a Housing Project in our neighborhood at 2935 Telegraph Ave. (between 29th and 30th Streets).

Some of us are preservationists trying to save the historic Courthouse Athletic Club building as it is a recognizable landmark that has been in the neighborhood for 100 years.  We are also opposed to the Oakland Housing Authority [OHA] with its terrible track record managing public housing in the community.  OHA has deferred over $75 million dollars in maintenance of its own housing projects and has even been sued by the city of Oakland in order for it to meet government compliance and respond to community complaints.

We are also very concerned that much of the last minute effort by Dallas developer Trammell-Crow and the OHA to forge a desperate deal has not seen ‘sunlight’ and is being done behind closed doors without community input and discourse. In the words of Planning Commissioner Boxer when learning of the developers plans,  “something about this plan doesn’t smell right!” He also voiced concern that procedure was not being followed properly.

This website hopes to shine light to the plans of the Oakland Housing Authority and  Trammell-Crow to go against the neighborhoods desire for a thriving and safe community so they can TC can recover from a bad investment and OHA can increase its power and blight across the city of Oakland.

Currently, we are reaching out to the community to gather support in stopping this poorly placed development by the OHA. You can get involved by downloading flyers or joining our mailing list Google Groups below.

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